Monday, May 9, 2011

finding contentment

We have been in Small Town for three years this July.

Sometimes it feels like time is just flying when I think of my oldest turning 8 this summer, or my baby graduating from Kindergarten.

And sometimes it feels like time is when Spencer and I have a conversation about living in our tiny house for TWO MORE YEARS.

I want to get my things out of storage.  I want a dinning room table and more than one usable bathroom.

I want a laundry room like this:
(Better Homes and Gardens)

But, mainly I want to find contentment with my circumstances and blessings in the everyday.



  1. I love that laundry room too! It looks so fresh and pretty.

    Hope you have a lovely day.

    Best wishes,

  2. Oh contentment.....I am forever seeking you.
    I go back and forth about how necessary it is to dream.....and on the other hand, how important it is to be grateful for all that you have! Right there with you sister! Love that laundry room inspiration! So nice to visit with you!

  3. I'm with you. That laundry room is pretty amazing. How I wish it were mine! Hope you and your family are enjoying a happy and safe 4th of July weekend!
